The Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation Enrichment program will be canceled if the school closes for any reason, such as semester breaks, federal or state holidays, teacher work-days, or weather-related events. Additionally, if the county (AACPS or PGCPS) announces an early dismissal or cancels after-school activities, the CLF Enrichment program may also be canceled.
Stay Informed: AACPS Community
Changes to school schedules caused by inclement weather or other emergency conditions are announced:
  • On the AACPS automated telephone, email, and text message notification system (Parents should ensure all contact information are all up to date.),
  • On major area radio and television stations,
  • On AACPS website (top of all pages and titled Schools Today),
  • On AACPS's social media accounts: Facebook and Instagram.
Stay Informed: PGCPS Community
Parents should ensure all contact information including home, cell, and work numbers as well as Family Portal email addresses are all up to date in SchoolMAX.
If you are not receiving text messages (such as inclement weather closings), you may need to update your information in SchoolMAX or create a subscriber account with School Messenger
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